Ji Jianjun, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Zhoukou Municipal Committee and executive vice mayor, visited the company to investigate and supervise the resumption of work and production and epidemic prevention

Release time:2020-02-18 17:58Number of visits:272times

On February 17, Ji Jianjun, member of the Standing Committee of Zhoukou municipal Party committee and executive vice mayor, led the responsible persons of relevant municipal departments to our company to investigate and supervise the resumption of work and production of enterprises and the prevention and control of epidemic situation. Xihua county Party committee secretary Lin Hongjia, executive deputy county magistrate Wang Xianchao and relevant department personnel accompanied.

Ji Jianjun had an in-depth conversation with Yin Xiaopu, general manager of the company. He listened to the company's introduction on prevention and control measures and employees' dining and accommodation, and understood the production and operation of the workshop, the procurement and supply of raw materials, and the current difficulties and problems.

Ji Jianjun stressed that all relevant departments at all levels should conscientiously do a good job in auditing, checking and recording the resumption of work and production of enterprises, and supervise enterprises to comprehensively resume production under the premise of strictly implementing prevention and control measures, so as to ensure that the epidemic prevention and control and the resumption of work and production are consistent, so as to ensure the needs of economic and social development. The local government should strengthen the communication and contact with enterprises, study and solve the difficulties and problems encountered in the resumption of work and production in a timely manner, and act as a strong backing for enterprises to help them tide over difficulties.

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