Underground space development: building a "transparent Jiangsu" with full life cycle

Release time:2020-09-28 10:36Number of visits:329times

Underground space is a valuable space resource. In recent years, the development of urban space underground has become a trend of urban development. Among them, how to plan rationally and develop in an orderly way needs further consideration. On September 25 and 26, at the second Jiangsu underground space academic conference held in Suzhou, industry experts from all over the country focused on the theme of "Underground + above ground" green and intelligent three-dimensional city, and jointly put forward suggestions for the rational development and utilization of underground space.

Change underground "space" development into "resource" development

The development and utilization of urban underground space in China started later than that in developed countries in Europe and America, but the growth rate is fast, especially the development of new towns and new areas and the construction of rail transit lead the development direction of underground space. Since the 13th five year plan, China's new underground space construction area has reached 844 million square meters, which has become a real underground space development and utilization country.

From Nanjing Jiangbei new area underground space and Taihu new city underground space speeding up the construction, Jiangsu Province issued the guiding opinions of the general office of the provincial government on strengthening the development and utilization of urban underground space in August this year In recent years, Jiangsu has promoted the comprehensive development and utilization of underground space in an orderly manner, and the comprehensive utilization and development rate of underground space in Nanjing and Suzhou ranks among the top ten in China.

But achievements and problems coexist. Many experts pointed out at the meeting that there are still some problems in the development of underground space, such as unclear family background, inconsistent planning, disordered development, waste of resources, development without management and so on. Taking the utility tunnel as an example, the mileage under construction in China has exceeded 7800 km (as of April 2018), while only 600 km of pipelines are actually entering the gallery and maintaining good operation and maintenance status, which is a pity.

The core problem of urban development is space resources. Chen Zhilong, a national engineering survey and design master and professor of the Army Engineering University, said that the development of underground "space" should be transformed into "resource" development. Because resources are precious and non renewable. Protecting resources is as important as developing resources. Underground space resources are very limited and need to be developed in an orderly way, which needs to be developed and protected simultaneously.

There is only one space in a city, and there is a picture of "above ground and underground"

Urban upper and lower space is from separation to integration, based on the ground underground integrated development is the inevitable choice. Professor Chen Xiangsheng, academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering and Dean of the school of civil engineering and traffic engineering of Shenzhen University, believes that a city has only one space, and a space should be planned and implemented in accordance with the plan. Strengthen the basic role of spatial planning, integrate and form a "multi planning" spatial planning, one blueprint to the end.

However, in reality, most cities have not established the municipal coordination organization and management system of underground space, and the traditional urban planning problems such as stratification, classification, causality and so on are still prominent. For the underground space, the situation is not clear, the data is scattered in various competent departments, there is no overall planning; the integrated data of the developed underground space management information system data platform is not complete; the underground space data is not fully utilized. The underground space and other stages are difficult to implement, the connectivity between each other is not high, the connection space is not reserved in the early stage, and so on.

Huang Jun, executive vice president of Jiangsu underground space society, introduced that from the provincial situation, Nanjing has established an overall management mechanism for underground space, and the comprehensive coordination management office is located in the civil air defense office. Other cities with districts have not yet established a municipal coordination agency and management system for underground space, which are coordinated and managed by various departments.

He hopes to promote the establishment of relevant laws and regulations on underground space, establish a legal rights protection system with space rights and easements as the core, and reshape the concept of "planning first, ecological priority, disaster prevention synchronization, and intensive coordination". At the same time, all cities connect the provincial underground space development and utilization guidance, study and promulgate the underground space development and utilization management measures, accelerate the establishment of municipal level underground space overall planning organization, and achieve the unified coordination of "planning construction management", which is very beneficial to the long-term sustainable development of underground space resources.

Safety is the bottom line, breaking the two "prevention" constraints

Underground space development should focus on four aspects: urban security, resource management and control, space integration and functional facilities. Chen Xiangsheng stressed that safety is the bottom line of underground space development. It is necessary to find out more accurately the "family background" of underground space, including the current situation of development and utilization, geological environment conditions, etc., so as to ensure the safe development of underground space. At present, the standards of civil air defense and fire protection are relatively backward, which are two factors restricting the development and utilization of underground space. The standards need to be revised as soon as possible to meet the safety requirements of current technology and construction level.

He said that the development and utilization of underground space should meet the sustainable purpose of ecological environment, society and economy. Specifically, it includes the development mode of maximizing spatial efficiency, sustainable functional layout and spatial development structure, environmental service and intensity balance, ecological and intelligent interconnection, so as to further build sponge city and forest city.

Three dimensional visualization is one of the powerful means to solve the security of underground space development. At present, only a few cities have carried out three-dimensional urban geological work, only Shanghai and Beijing have carried out more systematic urban geological survey, monitoring and application, and the comprehensive evaluation of underground space, resources and environment, and geological disasters is not enough. From the provincial situation, Suzhou has been developing underground 3D visualization model. Huang Jun suggested that the development of underground space in each city should pay attention to the three-dimensional geological work, so as to "the whole life cycle"

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