Kunming Rail Transit Line 4 opened

Release time:2020-10-09 08:51Number of visits:320times

 On the morning of September 23, the opening ceremony of Kunming Metro Line 4 and phase II of line 6 was held in the central hall of Kunming Rail Transit Network. Cheng Lianyuan, member of the Standing Committee of Yunnan Provincial Committee and Secretary of Kunming municipal Party committee, attended the ceremony and announced the opening of the project. Wang Xiliang, deputy secretary of Kunming municipal Party committee and mayor, presided over the ceremony. Lama Xinggao, Xiong Ruili and Guo Xilin, leaders of Kunming municipal Party committee and municipal government, attended the ceremony. Chen Daihua, the party secretary and chairman of the group company, attended the activities and accompanied the investigation.

 Kunming Metro Line 4 starts from the northwest of the main urban area and ends in Chenggong New City, passing through 6 administrative districts. The total length of the line is 43.422 km, and there are 29 stations in total. It is the line with the longest operating mileage and the most transfer in Kunming at present, and forms the "meter" rail transit network of Kunming. As an important industrial auxiliary line of Kunming City, the opening of Kunming Metro Line 4 will enhance the interaction and connectivity of various regions in Kunming, promote the integration of people flow, capital flow and information flow, and inject strong power into urban development. The opening of the project on schedule not only gives a satisfactory answer to more than 6 million urban residents in spring, but also presents a gift to the 71st anniversary of the founding of new China.

 At the same time, the formal opening of the project also opened a new era for Beijing urban construction to enter the field of metro operation. As the first batch of PPP projects in Kunming and the second batch of PPP demonstration projects of the Ministry of finance, Kunming Metro Line 4 is the first "investment, construction and operation" subway project of the group. The urban construction design department is responsible for the system equipment construction, project operation and maintenance management. The project investment is about 6.3 billion, and the operation period is 30 years.

 A new mode of subway. The project adopts "a + B" double PPP mode. Urban construction design, as the social capital side, leads the project implementation with all factors, full cycle and multi plate, and maximizes the industrial advantages in design, investment, construction, operation, cultural and creative industries, and provides all-round services for the government. Since the implementation of the project, the government and enterprises have given full play to their respective advantages and achieved win-win cooperation to jointly create an interconnection route for the citizens of Chuncheng, which has become a new model of rail transit projects under PPP mode.

 A subway that breaks through the traditional operation mode. As the promoter and leader of domestic urban rail transit technology development, urban construction design always takes promoting the development of the industry as its own responsibility, puts forward the new concept of independent operation in line 4, rapidly trains more than 2000 operators within two years, and creates a large-scale, young and professional operation team. At the same time, we independently carry out comprehensive joint commissioning and provide operation services independently, which realizes a new mode of completely independent operation in real sense.

 A high-tech intelligent subway. "Jinlong cloud system", which is first used in China and has international advanced level, has been successfully implemented on line 4. The system solves the problems of traditional rail transit weak current system separation construction, complex interface, high operation and maintenance costs, and has obvious advantages in green energy saving, staff reduction and efficiency improvement, intelligent operation and maintenance, and shows the group's innovation ability and scientific and technological strength in the field of rail transit. At present, line 4 has obtained 38 software copyrights and 17 invention patents, leading and participating in the preparation of a number of standards.

 A subway with cultural connotation. Urban construction design set up a cultural and creative team, invested funds to build Kunming's unique public culture IP - K4 cats Wamao family, realizing the first large-scale application of public cultural IP in domestic subway. Create the first digital art and culture wall under the subway scene in China, form a "3-minute Museum" community, realize the integration and connection of culture and new media art, and create the most beautiful "underground landscape line" of spring city.

 Chen Daihua, Secretary of the Party committee and chairman of the group company, attaches great importance to the preparatory work for the opening of Kunming Metro Line 4. On the plane to Kunming, he still repeatedly communicated with the relevant responsible person of urban construction design to confirm the relevant preparatory work. After getting off the plane, Chen Daihua drove to the project site of Kunming Rail Transit Line 4, inspected the Juhua station, north railway station and Dayangtian depot, inspected the depot dispatching command center and parking train inspection depot, and conducted on-the-spot inspection and investigation on issues related to the construction and operation of the project.

 On the afternoon of September 21, Chen Daihua listened to the report of the project department on the operation management, organization mode, operation organization structure, personnel allocation and operation talents of Kunming Metro Line 4. On behalf of the group, Chen Daihua expressed sincere thanks and sincere congratulations to all the cadres and staff members of Kunming Metro Line 4 project for their contributions and achievements. He said that the opening and operation of Kunming Metro Line 4 not only realized the self breakthrough of urban construction design and even Beijing urban construction, but also achieved innovation and breakthrough in the whole rail transit industry. The project of Kunming Metro Line 4 fully embodies the design leading, innovation leading, wisdom leading and green leading. Over the past four years, the urban construction design and project team has overcome difficulties, effectively promoted and put into operation on schedule by means of "design leading + investment, construction and operation integration", which has truly realized the whole process implementation and management of the project, demonstrated the scientific and technological innovation ability of Beijing Urban construction personnel, and the responsibility and wisdom of the project team, which has become the group's practice of green development concept and the promotion of high-quality industry A vivid portrayal of quantitative development.

 In view of the next step of work, Chen Daihua pointed out that the operation team should be modest and prudent, be good at learning, and constantly improve its own operation ability and service level; it should strictly control the safety, not only to avoid its own security loopholes, but also to improve the ability to prevent and deal with uncertain factors in the outside world; the project should not only innovate the talent training mode, but also open up the talent transportation channel to gather talents The League will lay out large industries, cultivate new industries and provide more talents.

 Chen Daihua stressed that the scheduled opening of Kunming Metro Line 4 is an important measure for Beijing urban construction group to create demand with supply. By promoting the construction of major projects, more than 2000 jobs have been created for the local government, and urban construction strength has been contributed to promoting local economic development and realizing the tasks of "six stabilities" and "six guarantees". It will also have a significant impact on the group's further innovation of management concept, management system and management mechanism, breaking through the internal industrial chain of urban construction, and building a modern urban service chain by entering the new industrial field of metro operation. In the future, we hope to further highlight the responsibility and role of urban construction design in the process of building the group into an international well-known comprehensive service provider of urban construction, and play a greater role in promoting the high-quality development of the group during the "14th five year plan".

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