As members of the consortium, China Construction Third Engineering Bureau and China Construction Fifth Engineering Bureau won the bid for the upgrading and reconstruction project of urban underground utility tunnel and synchronous road in tanxinpei Road

Release time:2020-11-18 08:32Number of visits:372times

 Recently, China Construction Third Bureau and China Construction Fifth Bureau, as members of the consortium, won the bid for the upgrading and reconstruction project of urban underground comprehensive pipe gallery and synchronous road in tanxinpei Road, Jiangxia District, Wuhan City, with a bid amount of about 2.1 billion yuan.

 The urban underground utility tunnel and synchronous road upgrading and reconstruction project of tanxinpei road in Jiangxia District is the first urban underground utility tunnel with 500kV ultra-high voltage line entering the corridor in China, and it is also the world's longest Gil underground utility tunnel of 500kV and above. The project includes comprehensive pipe gallery and supporting works, road reconstruction project of tanxinpei road. The comprehensive pipe gallery starts from Wuchang Avenue and ends at Miaoshan Avenue. From Wuchang avenue to Miaoshan Avenue (from west to East), it is divided into two parts: the starting end Gil single cabin, with a length of about 0.15km; the main cabin of the comprehensive pipe gallery, with a length of about 2.29km; the terminal end of Gil single cabin, with a length of about 3.81km, is also equipped with East and West Terminal yards and monitoring center. The main cabin of utility tunnel is divided into three cabins, from south to north are high voltage cable cabin, Gil cabin and comprehensive cabin. (contributed by China Construction Third Engineering Bureau)

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